Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Dancing with the BattleStars

Jacob at Television Without Pity has become the Stephen Colbert of episode summarization. He's not just going to tell you what happened. He's going to feel it at you.

Not his fault. I think he must have received a lot complements for his clever writings during Season 3. And it's well deserved. His write-ups of the mid-season standalone episodes are some of the smartest things you're likely to ever read on a TV website. The problem is, it went to his head. His prose has become nothing but purple. This might be forgivable if it weren't also pseudo-intellectual ("I have read Joseph Campbell" and much like it).

Here's a taste:

Chief walks through the ship, listening to the music, placing his lovely face against the steel, like a child, eyes closed, innocent. Not even afraid, just listening as hard as he can, feeling something he can't describe. Something like water, and the sounds across the water, like jumping from the highest place in the hangar bay, like being a child again, carried by something larger than himself. Jam yesterday and jam tomorrow, but today: That thing he keeps looking for.

All I can say is, murder your darlings, my friend, and how is your screenplay coming?

But hey, that's season 3 for you. Ron Moore talks a good game about challenging the audience, and trying to be smarter and more aggressive than your average TV show (or more importantly Star Trek). But in the end it's just been a lot of posturing, sensationalistic claptrap, and empty words.