Friday, May 04, 2007

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 8 #3

Willow arrives in Scotland just in time to drain all the life out of our geeklove for the new comic series. She's all the worst aspects of Seasons 6&7: she's distant and weird, her powers don't make any sense, and her fight with Amy is confusing and poorly structured. The artwork in this issue does a lousy job of communicating which character is which, making things particularly difficult as Whedon writes TV-style quick cuts. All the girls look the same, and the boys are barely distinguishable from one another.

Meanwhile Buffy herself has a long tedious dream sequence that ultimately doesn't tell us much. It's Whedon doing The Sandman, but Buffy is a do-er and Morpheus was a be-er, in Dramatica speak. Nothing works. Buffy doesn't accomplish things by working them out internally, for pete's sake, she goes out and kills things. She is the Slayer! (Remember how she was supposed to be learning big secrets about the slayer's origins in the show's dream sequences? Didn't work there either).

Oh and Warren is back, still skinless, and still quite possibly the worst Buffy villain ever. This "arc" ends next month, and I'm already sort of disappointed with the way they've structured the series.