Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Death to Boomers (a continuing series)

Boomers couldn't stand Gen X, and now they have no patience for Gen Y. From Reason Magazine:

It's a hoot to hear modern kids described as self-indulgent by the generation that created its own culture out of sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll. Talk about a sense of entitlement: When the baby boomers came along, they (we) got the voting age lowered for their benefit. They also demanded that the drinking age be lowered, and it was -- only to be raised once they were safely into adulthood. Narcissism? Not for nothing were boomers dubbed the "Me Generation."
The kids of today are actually better off than they were when I was in high school during the second Reagan regime. Also, if you want to talk about workplace issues, boomers are terrible leaders and motivators, bad managers and planners, horrible mentors and teachers, and completely entitled when it comes to their own perks. I'm glad they all think they're going to retire early and buy wineries and build sail boats. The sooner they are out of the workplace the better.