Monday, August 13, 2007

Atheism in Capsule Form

Via Pharyngula, this page provides a tidy summary of all the arguments, counter-arguments, insults and complaints.

Highlights include Stacey's Law:
In any discussion of atheism (skepticism, etc.), the probability that someone will compare a vocal atheist to religious fundamentalists increases to one.

And John Emerson's logical argument from skepticism:

God is just this bin of wish-fulfillment into which people toss all the things they want but don't have. It would seem that if Someone that important and powerful did actually exist, His existence would not be something that was argued about.

The skeptical disproof of the existence of God: "I doubt, therefore God does not exist". God, if He existed, would be a Thing of such perfection that His existence could not be doubted. But His existence is doubted. Therefore, He does not exist.

All of which is much wittier and more clever than anything I might come up with.