Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Jim Cramer Gets Serious

Ordinarily he and his show seem to exist solely for the entertainment value of the boo-yah (limited thought that might be). But now he seems to be getting kind of serious:
In the "Stop Trading" segment, Cramer said the nation's central bank is "asleep" and should immediately "relieve the pressure" on financial firms and the nation's home owners who are facing big increases in their mortgage payments as 'teaser' rates expire. Many thousands will "lose their homes," he warned. "This is not the time to be complacent."
I'm honestly shocked that he'd be making these statements. My impression of Wall Street is that it represents the most libertarian anarcho-capitalist extreme of the Christ, Capital, Consume triumverate. They put greed and profit first, and if the little guy gets squashed, too bad. Cramer on the other hand seems to be predicting the next great Depression should the Fed fail to protect consumers and homeowners. Can this be right?

I'm both confused and impressed.