Monday, August 25, 2008

The Women of Generation X

US News has a summary of women's views broken out generation by generation. I don't see anything in there that surprises me about the Millenials and the Baby Boomers, but if this is true, we're worse off then I thought:

Generation X: Many of these 28-to-43-year-old women are mothers of young children. The support for Obama in this age bracket sinks dramatically, leaving him with a single-digit advantage. Forty-nine percent are for Obama and 41 percent for McCain.

Born between 1965 and 1980, these women most often herald Reagan as their political hero. Three quarters of the overall group are married and nearly as many (73 percent) have kids under age of 18.

Gen X'ers are more apt to prefer a presidential candidate who touts safety and security (40 percent) over hope and optimism (33 percent). The group divides on the increasing acceptance of homosexuals and same-sex unions (41 percent unfavorable, 40 percent favorable, and 19 percent neutral).

Ronald Reagan as Gen X's political hero? Seriously? Safety and Security over Hope and Optimism. I thought we were supposed to be punk, not reactionary. Maybe punk was reactionary, and I just never realized. These must all be the same women who spent their adolescences listening to Bon Jovi and Poison. No taste then or now.