Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Focus on McCain

A commenter at Pharyngula tells it like it is:

To win Democrats need to stop talking about the off color comments that Palin didn't make and the ones that McCain did (joke in 98 about Chelsea Clinton)

They need to stop talking about Palin's church and start talking about the visit McCain made to Liberty University and willingness to go to Bob Jones.

They need to stop talking about Palin's daughter and start talking about how the McCain marriage is the result of an affair and how he abandoned his disabled wife.

They need to stop talking about the bridge to nowhere and start talking about the Keating five.

They need to stop talking about how he stood up the vietcong and start talking about how he buckled to the Bush administration.

If the Democrats want to recover from the Palin love-fest, they need to put the focus back on McCain. It's not enough to say he's the same as Bush, you have to show how he sold his soul to the administration and betrayed everything he claimed to believe in the 2000 Primary campaign.