We’re going to go out on a limb and say that Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem is about Aliens and Predators battling each other on earth, creating collateral damage in the form soft, slow-moving humans. We’re not even sure because this trailer pretty much just shows people being punctured, flayed, and just plain tossed around; the ratio of dialogue to repugnant squelching sounds is about one to ten. All in all the movie, directed by a pair of FX producers, looks pretty frickin’ awesome — at least compared to 2004's Alien vs. Predator, which was a bitter disappointment for people who collect Alien and/or Predator action figures.Personally, I enjoyed the first one just for the Mountains of Madness premise (creepy temple at the south pole and all), but I'm willing to accept the conventional wisdom that it stunk. That being said, why is it that the Sci-Fi channel can't make a single movie that's even that good (er, bad).
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Aliens vs. Predator: Mayhem
Everyone loves the new trailer for Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem. Why? It's all mayhem all the time. In horror, supernatural atmospherics come off as cosplay; madness is a little too close to home for most actors and actresses; and decadent obsessions are just too cerebral. But mayhem! As New York magazine sez: