Friday, April 27, 2007

Voters Prefer Phony Populists

So says Noam Scheiber in The New Republic. Why do voters always go for the rich guy with the drawl and the fake ranch? Because that's the kind of guy they aspire to be. Here's the relevant quote:

But suppose most working-class voters want something entirely different from what liberals assume. Suppose they don't want to be slightly better off than they are today. Suppose they want to be rich. And the way they evaluate candidates, who are frequently rich themselves, is by wondering: Is this the kind of rich person I'd like to be? Now ask yourself: If you were a working-class voter in Middle America, what kind of rich person would you want to be? Would you want to be the kind of rich person who eats at pricey French restaurants, plays classical guitar, and vacations among the cognescenti in Sun Valley, Idaho? Or would you want to be the kind of rich person who noshes on peanut butter and jelly, reads Sports Illustrated, and kicks back at a ranch in the middle of nowhere?

Now, who is the Democratic candidate with aspirational appeal?